Whatever happened to your __________?
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.
I love looking back on my first knits because, as I said in a previous post, I was really a fearless knitter at the start. I made 2 boring stocking stitch scarves before I dove in headfirst: cabled fingerless gloves and an entrelac headwrap were some of my earliest projects... followed by lace.
I made my first yarn splurge with an order for The Fibre Company's Road to China in citrine. With said splurge, I decided to knit myself a Springtime Bandit. Now, I was new and not exactly the brightest of knitters, so I ended up buying too little of a discontinued color, and could only knit the edge portion once, but man oh man, I was so proud and so pleased when I finished that scarf.
Even though I feel like my Bandit illustrates a lot of my inexperience, it also shows my enthusiasm for trying new techniques on the fly. It made me feel impossibly clever when I was finished, and it now holds a special place in the canon of my knitted items. In fact, my mom recently pilfered it when I left it sitting on her dining room table... so I'll be knitting her a Springtime Bandit of her own in some fingering weight yarn in the coming weeks.
I don't have some touching story to share (unfortunately), but when I read this prompt, I immediately thought of my Bandit. It's precious to me, and it gives me a lot of joy to see my mom's love for it as well. She's probably my biggest knitty supporter, and I feel even warmer and fuzzier when she wears it.